This morning got off to a delightful start with my eldest having a meltdown because his laundry was still not completed – since Sunday. There had been daily reminders since last Friday to complete it since this coming weekend will be swamped. Finally, with one basket to be folded and put away, he had the option of finishing it before school this morning or not going on a field trip tomorrow.

Today was just a bundle of errands, finishing up and outline on a new writing project I am pursuing, cleaning, starting my laundry (finally) and getting some other business attended to. At 1:00pm, Brody called me to tell me the shelving finally arrived for the choir robe room and the show choir storage room – so I hurried over to the high school to check it out. One student volunteered her father for assembling the units. The band director, Mike Berning, and I chatted for a while – which is always fun! Mike and I share a similar wicked sense of humor, and Mike has a talent for saying things in the funniest way. I hurried home to start teaching at 2:15pm and lasting until 7:15pm. At 7:30pm I was back at the high school to meet with the dad assembling the storage units, snap a few photos of the show choir rehearsing and to attend a choral boosters meeting at 8:00pm. At 9:21pm, the boys and I were finally walking home after I met with a few parents and chatted with Brody.

I corralled the boys to set tomorrow morning’s schedule in place – Jose must be at the dentist tomorrow morning at 8:00am for three root canals – so, I will shower at 6:00am, get Jose up at 6:30am to get ready, and Matt at 7:00am. Jose and I will take off for the dentist and then return home to change clothes to return to Indiana. A friend from high school, Susan Fettig Abner, lost her son to leukemia – something that hit our own family with my beloved grandmother. My good friend from high school, Stephanie Grimes Hoel, wrote that several of our good friends, whom we have not seen since graduating in 1983, are flying in for the funeral. I am hoping to see them. Jose and I will travel together since Matthew has a show choir performance at 5:00pm for the retiring mayor of Kettering. We will probably swing in to say “hello” to Mother at the police department and Dena at the chamber of commerce, but will not stay for dinner since we will be seeing them this weekend. I am hoping we might be able to catch a Ball State Singer’s rehearsal or at least catch up with Jeff and AJ for a spell.

I will do last minute things around the house, order Jose’s birthday cake and run a number of errands. Dena, Mother, Jonathan and Andrew will arrive in Dayton around 7:00pm or so, and we will go to the Victoria Theatre to see the MUSE Machine production of Beauty & The Beast, in which a number of my students are performing.

Jose’s 14th birthday. Matthew and the high school show choirs will compete at the nearby Beavercreek Show Choir Invitational – so I am not truly certain how we will celebrate Jose’s birthday and get to see the show choirs compete. We may try to see the afternoon competition since it is a night mare to get seats for the evening show.

Sunday school and church, and then return for lunch with the family, unless they join us for church services. At 3:00pm, I am running through a line of seniors who are going over last minute prep for a full week of college auditions (and semester finals, as well). Afterwards, I intend on a quiet dinner and a quiet evening to get the boys prepped for the long week of finals.

So, the remainder of this week, with a trip to Indiana, is already piled high. I am ready!