True leadership…
Like many folks I know, I have elected to identify my self with one political party; however, I am not a party person, I am a people-person: I am for the candidate.
Yesterday, in the Centerville Americana Parade, there were two individuals waving to the crowds, and letting us know they care. And, I’ve many personal documentation on these two individuals, and am quite confident they do care for the people: Ohio State Representative, Jim Butler, and Ohio State Attorney General, Mike DeWine.
These two officials, and their staffs, have personally proven to me, and the many watching, just what our elected representatives are meant to do: represent, and help their constituents. We’re surrounded by the negatives, but when it comes to flying the kite of true men of the people, Jim and Mike have done just that, and continue to do it.

Jim Butler

Ohio State Representive, Jim Butler, and his brilliant staff, came to our rescue, several times in 2016 with different adoption issues where state adoption workers in both Ohio and Texas were not doing their jobs assigned to them.  We were down to the wire, TWICE, on my fifth son being returned to Texas due to adoption workers not doing their jobs, and Jim’s office swung into action like Super Heroes, and saved the day.

Jim Butler has achieved sainthood status in my book.
Ohio State Attorney General Mike DeWine, and his staff, are proving to be quite helpful as we clear up post-adoption issues with social security, Medicaid, a lady who did not pay her promised state subsidies (lied she had not received them, only to be proven several weeks ago she HAD received the monies, and I have copy of the endorsed checks) and now investigating several agencies that aren’t going by the books.  Yes, I am already kind of liking the thought of saying, “Governor DeWine.”
Over the years, I’ve received personal assistance from:
:: Indiana US Senator Richard Lugar
:: Indiana Congressman Elwood Hillis
:: Ohio US Senator Mike Turner (the IRS refused to believe my 4th son was adopted, and no longer living on the Navajo Reservation)
Although this was not personal assistance, First Lady Hillary Clinton supported, and helped push through 1997 initiatives for adoption and foster care that made a world of difference for countless families… mine, included!
Thank you to the elected officials who truly are in the game for the right, and noble reasons!  I appreciate each of you!